Supported Codecs

  • H264, VP8, VP9 video codecs.
  • Opus audio codec.

Supported Servers

WebRTC Streaming Configuration

Publisher Configuration

To enable a player as a publisher set the player needs the publisher config enabled.

    "rtc": {
        "publisher": true

Configuring stream name and server application

    clip: {
        "live": true,
        "sources": [
            { "type": "application/webrtc", "src": "myStream", "appName": "webrtc"}

Server Configuration

The server config, sets up WebRTC connectivity with a particular server.

  • antmedia
  • wowza
  • kurento
  • millicast
  • antmedia-conference
  • wowza-conference
  • kurento-conference
  • millicast-conference


Here is a list of the configuration options:

Property Description Default
publisher Enable the player as the publisher. Which enables the full WebRTC encoder publishing application. false
serverURL The host of the websocket service. For Wowza the url is configured from the host.
userData Custom data to send to the Wowza server. This can be used in the custom websocket for authentication.
server The server type. For conferencing, configure with the postfix -conference. wowza
debug Turns on full peer connection debug logging. false
prefferedCodecs A codecs filter for the preferred codec. For Wowza H264 requires a level filter. {
"audio": {
"codec": "opus",
"video": {
"codec": "H264",
"level": "42e01f"
opus Opus codec configs
ui CSS selectors for managing external select menus with data and control of WebRTC and media options. Disable this if using external controls with the device data provided. {
"audioInput": "audioSource",
"audioOutput": "audioOutput",
"videoSource": "videoSource",
"bandwidth": "bandwidth",
"resolution": "resolution",
"rates": "rates",
"container": "#encoder-menu"
dataCallback To manage the encoder controls externally, the device data is provided in this callback to build the device menus. And return with the configured options.
autoStartDevice Enable to auto activate the device on initialisation. Or turned on when clicking the player. false
maxBitrateBitrate Configure an initial max bitrate bitrate. This is required for Chrome to function with Wowza. 2000
minVideoBitrate Minimum video bitrate. Used on Chrome only. Wowza requires it to be the max bitrate. 2000
startVideoBitrate Starting video bitrate. Used on Chrome only. 300
audioVideoBitrate Audio codec bitrate. 64
recording Enable recording of the local stream with a download option. Config requires the filename for the download and the mimetype and codec. For H264 use video/mp4 and H264 as the codec.
pcConstraints Set browser specific Peer connection options.
toggleScreen Enable camera / share screen switching features. false
floatedControls Move all the controls buttons to underneath the player. false

Peer Connection Options

    "optional": [
        { "googIPv6": true },
        { "googImprovedWifiBwe": true },
        { "googDscp": true },
        { "googSuspendBelowMinBitrate": true },
        { "googScreencastMinBitrate": 300 },
        { "googCombinedAudioVideoBwe": true },
        //turn off resolution changes
        { "googCpuOveruseDetection": false },
        { "googCpuOveruseEncodeUsage": false },
        { "googCpuUnderuseThreshold": 55 },
        { "googCpuOverUseThreshold": 85 }

Enable Stream Recording

    "mimeType": "video/webm",
    "codec": "VP9",
    "name": "recording1"

WebRTC Group Call Conferencing Options

Property Description Default
roomName Required for Kurento and Millicast group call conferencing.
conferenceContainer The container selector to host the remote participant's stream in a player.
hlsTemplate When using Wowza. The HLS url template to use when subscribing in a group call as HLS. https://
conferenceSubscribeHls Set to true to subscribe to remote participants in a group call as HLS instead of WebRTC.
peerSubscribe Required for Kurento group call conferencing.

Subscriber Options

Property Description Default
serverURL The host of the websocket service. For Wowza the url is configured from the host.
server The server type. For now Wowza is supported with other signalling servers after. wowza
userData Custom data to send to the Wowza server.
debug Turn on internal peering logs. false

Millicast Options

    "millicast": {
        "accountId": "",
        "publishToken": "",
        "subToken": ""
Property Description Default
accountId Millicast account id shown in the api key section.
publishToken The publishing token created in the api section. This is used for generating the signal server url unless supplied using serverURL
subToken Subscriber token generated by the backend using the secret key and Millicast api. This is used when authenticated subscriber is enabled for the publish token.
userData Custom data to send to the Wowza server.
debug Turn on internal peering logs. false

Virtual Background Removal Plugin Options

Property Description Default
renderType The background rendering type. Either bodypix, or Chromakey bodypix
backgroundType If Chromakey rendering is set. Choose from either Green Screen colour detection or auto for solid colour backgrounds. green
backgroundColor Specify the background colour in an rgb value array. [0, 255, 0]
accurate Use the fast or slow Bodypix architecture config. Slow is more accurate but more intensive. false
internalResolution The resolution for segmenting the detected body from the background. Medium or high. medium
segmentationThreshold An accuracy threshold for segmentation. 0.5
fast The fast least accurate Bodypix config. {
"architecture": 'MobileNetV1',
"outputStride": 16,
"multiplier": 0.75,
"quantBytes": 2
slow The slow more accurate Bodypix config. {
"architecture": 'ResNet50',
"outputStride": 16,
"multiplier": 1,
"quantBytes": 2

Ant Media Server WebRTC Configuration

SSL is required to be configured for WebRTC to function. Ant Media supplies a helper script to import an SSL certificate and private key into the server host configs.

Documentation for SSL setup.

For Letsencrypt SSL configuration , the helper script generates this internally. This requires port 80 external access for the verification server.

sudo ./ -d

If the verification server is inaccessible. A DNS verification is possible to be imported into the script. Letsencrypt scripts are supplied for generating these certificates.

certbot -d -m --manual --preferred-challenges dns certonly

Import external generated certificates

sudo ./ -f yourdomain.crt -p yourdomain.key -c yourdomainchain.crt -d

Wowza WebRTC Configuration

Provided is a set of example configs for wowza with install script to get the WebRTC signal server working. Provided is a script to convert PEM SSL certificates into JKS format for Wowza.

An SSL certificate is required to be configured into the Secure SSL provider config inside VHost.xml.

The Websocket provider also needs to be configured inside VHost.xml

Enable Wowza Websocket

Enabled within the SSL host within the VHost.xml


Enable Custom Wowza Websocket

Provided is a custom websocket Wowza project to enable stream authentication.


Wowza WebRTC Conferencing Configuration

To enable the conferencing examples. The supplied WebRTCCustomSignalServer Wowza IDE project, needs to be imported and built to be configured and loaded.

This provides the custom WebRTC signal server for WebRTC publishing with token protection. Another WebSocket provider is for group call signal messaging and to notify when a WebRTC publish begins.


Millicast WebRTC Configuration

In the Millicast console. A streamname is required to be added. This will generate a publish key. A wildcard asterix can be used to link a publish key to any stream name. Click the Token Required next to the Secure Viewer section. This turns on token authentication for subscribers.

Millicast Console

After adding a stream. A Publish key and Account ID is displayed to configure the publisher and subscriber with.

Millicast Console

Generating Subscriber Token

Using the Millicast API. A subscriber token can be generated with domain restriction. This requires the Secret Key which is different to the Publish Key. A helper script is supplied to generate these tokens and test the tokens work with the api.

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer secretkey" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"label": "LiveStreamLabel", "streams": [{"streamName": "StreamName"}], "allowedOrigins": ["*"]}'

Kurento WebRTC Configuration

Kurento Media Server comes in two parts. The Kurento Media Server and a java / node JSONRPC client WebSocket server.

Provided is a one to many application aswell as a group call application to run the group call example.

The one to many application endpoint is one2many

The group call application endpoint is groupcall

Start the Kurento server first with

export MAKEFLAGS="-j$(nproc)"

Start the Kurento client Websocket server with

mvn -U clean spring-boot:run -Dkms.url=wss://localhost:8433/kurento